🎬 Bacurau, by Juliano Dornelles & Kleber Mendonça Filho

Have you ever watched a movie that has been so praised by everybody that you can’t figure out if you liked it because you genuinely did, or if because you felt the pressure to like it? That was my feeling towards the end of Bacurau, one of the most acclaimed Brazilian films of recent years. Not that I didn’t like it, otherwise I wouldn’t be here recommending it to you, but it took me a little while to get my head around it and understand what was I really feeling.


Bacurau is a mixed genre movie that takes place in the “near future”, and sees the residents of a small village going through some obscure events that keep escalating until a turbulent ending. It’s one of those stories that can be as simple or as complex and you want, depending on how further is one willing to go with the numerous interpretations and metaphors that are available to grab. Don’t expect to be completely hooked right at the beginning, but don’t be surprised if you can’t stop thinking about it at the end. An instant classic!

Now on Digital, Blu-ray, and DVD: bit.ly/3ow0Vb1A few years from now... Bacurau, a small village in the Brazilian sertĂŁo, mourns the loss of its matriarch, C...