💽 » Fleet Foxes - Shore

Shore is the 4th studio album of Seattle-based indie-folk band Fleet Foxes, which also may be their most accessible one, being the perfect choice for someone to start listening to them.

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Even Robin Pecknold (vocals, guitar) describes the album as (2017’s) Crack-Up’s friendly brother. Shore is definitely a “sunny” record, but it also works perfectly on a cloudy day. “I’m trying to celebrate life in a time of death, trying to find something to hold on to that exists outside of time, something that feels solid or stable”, Pecknold says. In my personal opinion, the album delivers all of that and much more. It was one of my favorites of last year, with Going-to-the-Sun Roadbeing the cherry on top, featuring beautiful vocals of O Terno’s Tim Bernardes.

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