📚 How to do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy, by Jenny Odell

Doing nothing is hard. — Jenny Odell

Yes, it is... I feel you, Jenny!

I came across this book early last year, while I was diving deep into watching Notion videos on YouTube and kept seeing this book at Marie Poulin’s workspace over and over. Not only the title was intriguing, but the book cover also caught my attention. So I added it to my anti-library (forever thankful to Anne Laure for this concept), like I do to any book recommendation that comes my way, and picked up to read in May while trying to adjust to quarantine life.

how to do nothing.png

I originally thought this book was going to be about mindfulness, the ability to be able to just "be", enjoy the present moment without feeling any pressure, any guilt, without the constant feeling of always having to feel and be productive. But instead, it was an interesting journey about living as a community, learning with the past, reconnecting with nature, being a part of something bigger.

When overstimulation has become a fact of life, I suggest that we reimagine #FOMO as #NOMO, the necessity of missing out, or if that bothers you, #NOSMO, the necessity of sometimes missing out. — Jenny Odell

Here's to more #NOMO or #JOMO (joy of missing out) in our lives!

» Check out the book on Amazon.